Friday, 1 March 2013

I is for... Instinct

OK, I may be a few weeks behind with this post, but here's the alternative - I could have cheated the system here as I could have shoved it under K for Kubler-Ross model. But I haven't, as I only decided to hang the poem around that after trying to do my first draft weeks ago. So here is a new first draft (it really is - I can't look at it anymore and I've just finished the last line I was struggling with) and it needs tons of work if it is ever to be a finished poem. But it is a poem, and maybe a few more like this and I'll get my mojo back. I'm even working on a K too...


Drives you, propels you, makes you stop and go;
It throws up your hands before you hit the floor.
Tells you in whispers, you know it you know.

Rejects picked up pieces, stifles your growth,
Shoves facts in your face when you long for detours -
Drives you, propels you, makes you stop and go.

Has a cold stark reminder: here’s what you sowed.
Stops you in place when you crash through the door;
Tells you in whispers, you know it you know.

Gives keys to your secrets to those in the know;
Offers a friend when your heart screams adore
Drives you, propels you, makes you stop and go.

Helps you think without thinking, put on a show,
Lets you sink without sinking, buoying your core;
Tells you in whispers, you know it you know.

Is a life-ring; helps you go with the flow
Holds your heart back while you survey the score
Drives you, propels you, makes you stop and go;
Tells you in whispers, you know it you know.

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