And given that I've had very little time to get out and about with my camera and have hardly touched it of late, I decided to restart much closer to home. Also, I've been trying to produce some new images for the exhibition Zoe and I have in September at the Kings Theatre in Southsea.
I've also tried to use some of the lessons I've been learning recently around high key images, and being creative in how I take images and use light and tools at my disposal. This image I took using natural light, plus fill in flash in front of a piece of white paper taped to the window. Having tried with my mini studio (seen in earlier postings) I didn't quite achieve the results I wanted, so this was Plan B.
Image to be uploaded
In the meantime, I have been playing with Instagram and here's my first attempt, hope you like it!

Nice! I'm envious both of the picture and the fact you're able to keep a plant alive. :)