Thursday 4 October 2012

B is for... Boris Bikes!!!

I'm first this week!!!

So, I've decided to try and do all my photos on my BlackBerry where possible. Not only will I always have it with me, unlike my trusty DSLR, but it will also challenge me on the composition front. I will have no control over light, exposure etc, and only have zoom function, so that makes me work a little bit harder on the composition of the image.

Anyway, I walk past this row of Boris Bikes, as they have been fondly nicknamed, on my way to work everyday and as the weather is nice today, I took a sneaky snap!

What do you think??


  1. Very cool! Though I do wonder if it means nobody is using them... if that's the case though, I guess it is even more powerful. Boris had to do something right - I really agree with these bikes!

  2. It was lunchtime Kerry, so probably why there were so many there. Never many first and last thing in the day...
