Saturday 24 November 2012

E is for... Empty Words

Write off: no poem
can frame a gun shot wound in
a bullet-proof vest.


  1. Another haiku, reflecting the struggle to write anything for E and the fact that I've got a cold and spent a day feeling sorry for myself. :)

  2. Is this another Mark Wahlberg related post Z? ;)

  3. Ha! No, but I guess the metaphor is influenced by all the action movies I watch.
    *nerd alert* There's a great bit in Glyn Maxwell's book about how poetry has more in common with film than with prose writing, because it's about angles, and the right place to edit. It made a lot of sense to me, and also made me happy because it means next time I sit down to watch a movie with a beautiful man in it, I can claim I'm WORKING ON MY CRAFT and not just admiring old Marky Mark's shoulders.

  4. I need to read his book! Nice and effective poem Zoe, and quite frankly you're brilliant for being able to write a good poem out of a bad moment in time.
